Federal Express owns “overnight delivery.” What word (or phrase) does your company own? If something doesn’t immediately come to your mind, how can you expect your customers and prospects to remember you when their need arises?
A good slogan helps you build a strong brand that positions you in the minds of customers – it makes you memorable. When crafting an effective slogan, stay away from big words, over-used words and mind-numbing platitudes. “Outstanding Quality & Superior Performance” is a perfect example of what NOT to do. It begs to be overlooked and forgotten. One of the best slogans ever was Hertz’s “We try harder.” Short, simple and it clearly defined an attitude that separated them from the pack.
Another essential element to an effective slogan is truth. What you say about your company has to ring true. It can’t be wishful thinking. While that sounds painfully obvious, I’ve seen a lot of executives confuse their “desires” with actual customer experience.
If you don’t already have a good slogan, start by making a list of your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Do the same for your competitors. Be brutally honest and dig deep. Cover price positioning, quality, service, delivery, location, etc. You may be so deeply involved in your business that achieving a fresh perspective is nearly impossible. Invite others into the process. When the right slogan finally emerges, it should feel right, ring true, and be distinctively different from anything else out there.
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